Title: | Fishery Stock Assessment by Catch Dynamics Models |
Description: | Based on fishery Catch Dynamics instead of fish Population Dynamics (hence CatDyn) and using high-frequency or medium-frequency catch in biomass or numbers, fishing nominal effort, and mean fish body weight by time step, from one or two fishing fleets, estimate stock abundance, natural mortality rate, and fishing operational parameters. It includes methods for data organization, plotting standard exploratory and analytical plots, predictions, for 100 types of models of increasing complexity, and 72 likelihood models for the data. |
Authors: | Ruben H. Roa-Ureta |
Maintainer: | Ruben H. Roa-Ureta <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.1-1 |
Built: | 2025-02-24 04:02:33 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/CatDyn |
Using high-frequency (daily, weekly) or medium frequency (monthly) catch and effort data CatDyn implements a type of stock assessment model oriented to the operational fishing data. The estimated parameters are in two groups, stock abundance (initial abundance, episodic pulses of abundance, and natural mortality) and fishing operation (hyperstability/hyperdepletion, saturability/synergy, catchability). CatDyn includes 100 versions of the models depending on the number of fleets (1 or 2), the number of perturbations to depletion (1 to 25), whether the stock is resident without emigration, resident with emigration, or in transit, and 72 likelihood models for the data depending on the kind of random mechanism(s) assumed to have generated the data. The package has graphical functions for exploratory analysis (to select reasonable initial values of parameter to me estimated), it calls the optimx function from package optimx to use many options for the numerical method to minimize the negative loglikelihood, and several functions for post-analysis of results to select a best model for the data. Considering the combinations that can be made with model versions, likelihood options, and numerical methods, any data set can be fit to hundreds of model varieties making model selection a substantial part of the stock assessment work.
Once the best model has been selected, the package also has functions to produce the input information to fit a population dynamics model in a hierarchical inference framework. See Roa-Ureta et al. (2015) below.
Package: | CatDyn |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 1.1-1 |
Date: | 2018-12-20 |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Create a data object using raw data and the as.CatDynData() function. Examine the data for regularities and perturbations using the generic plot() function on an object of class CatDynData. Examine the goodness of initial parameter values before statistical inference by using the catdynexp() exploratory prediction function and the plot generic function on an object of class CatDynExp. Fit the model to the data by using the wrapper function CatDynFit(), which in turn will call the optimx() optimizer wrapper of package optimx, with several numerical methods available to be used. Examine the quality of the fit with the plot() function on an object of class CatDynMod created by the CatDynPred() function. Compare different models fit to the data with CatDynSum(), CatDynCor(), and CatDynPar(), based on information theoretic, statistical, and numerical criteria. Create the input file for further population dynamics modeling with CatDynBSD().
The process equations in the Catch Dynamics Models in this package are of the form
whith versions for resident stock without emigration
resident stock with emigration
and stock in transit through the fishing grounds
where C is the observed catch in numbers, a random variable, t, i, l, are time step indicators, j is perturbation index (j=1,2,...,25), k is a scaling constant, E is nominal fishing effort, a predictor of catch observed exactly, a is a parameter of effort synergy or saturability, N is abundance, a latent predictor of catch, b is a parameter of hyperstability or hyperdepletion, M is natural mortality rate per time step, I and J are indicator variables, taking values of 0 before v and 1 after, before w and 1 after, respectively. The second summand of the expanded latent predictor is a discount applied to the earlier catches in order to avoid an M-biased estimate of initial abundance.
Positive perturbations to depletion represent fish migrations into the fishing grounds or expansions of the fishing grounds by the fleet(s) resulting in point pulses of abundance. Negative perturbations represente emigration of parts of the stock (resident stock with emigration above) or the totality of a recruitment wave (transit stock above).
In 2 fleet cases the fleets contribute complementary information about stock abundance, and thus operate additively; any interaction between the fleets is latent and affects the estimated values of fleet dependent parameters, such as k, a, and b.
The catch observation model can take any of the following forms: a Poisson counts process or a negative binomial counts process for catch recorded in numbers, an additive random normal term added to the continuous catch (in weight) predicted by the process (normal and adjusted profile normal), a multiplicative exponential term acting on the process-predicted catch such as the logarithm of this multiplier distributes normally (lognormal, adjusted profile lognornmal, and robust lognormal), Gamma (shape and scale parameterization), and Gumbel.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta <[email protected]> (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
Roa-Ureta, R. H. 2012. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69(8), 1403-1415.
Roa-Ureta, R. H. et al. 2015. Fisheries Research 171 (Special Issue), 59-67.
Roa-Ureta, R. H. 2015. Fisheries Research 171 (Special Issue), 68-77.
Lin, Y-J. et al. 2017. Fisheries Research 195, 130-140.
#See examples for CatDynFit()
#See examples for CatDynFit()
It takes the vectors of catch, effort, and mean body weight from a dataframe and creates an object of class CatDynData. Objects of this class are lists with two components, one for properties of the data such as units and another for the data: catch, effort, mean body weight by fleet, and the catch spike statistic.
as.CatDynData(x, step, fleet.name, coleff, colcat, colmbw, unitseff, unitscat, unitsmbw, nmult, season.dates)
as.CatDynData(x, step, fleet.name, coleff, colcat, colmbw, unitseff, unitscat, unitsmbw, nmult, season.dates)
x |
A dataframe where to find the columns of catch, effort, and mean body weight |
step |
Character. The time step of the dynamics, either "day", "week", or "month". |
fleet.name |
Character. The name of the fleet(s). |
coleff |
Integer. The column(s) in "x" where to find the effort data. |
colcat |
Integer. The column(s) in "x" where to find the catch data. |
colmbw |
Integer. The column(s) in "x" where to find the mean body weight data. |
unitseff |
Character. The unit(s) of effort. |
unitscat |
Character. The unit of catch. Either "ton" (metric tonnes), "kg", or "ind" (individuals). |
unitsmbw |
Character. The unit of body weight. Either "kg", "g", or "ind" (individuals). |
nmult |
Character. The multiplier that scales the catch in numbers. Either "bill" (billions), "mill" (millions), "thou" (thousands), or "ind" (individuals). |
season.dates |
Character vector. A two component character vector with the initial and final dates of the season in the ISO 8601 standard. |
The time step determines the rows of x. Make it sure that the number of rows, i.e. the length of the season in time steps, is large enough to estimate all parameters in the model. The simplest model has five parameters, the most complex model has 50 parameters. A rule of thumb would be that the number of time steps be at least three times the number of parameters.
If it is a two fleet system, combine the fleet names, such as c("industrial", "artisanal"), and likewise with coleff, colcat, and colmbw, such as c(5,9) to indicate the columns of catch for the industrial and artisanal fleets respectively. The same applies to units of effort. In a two fleet system, the time step, and the units of catch, mean body weight, and the multiplier must be the same for both fleets.
When the unit of catch and of body weight is "ind", it means that the catch was counted in numbers, not in biomass. In that case the mandatory column of mean body weight should be a column of 1s. The multiplier is the quantity by which the catch in the model shall be raised to be scaled to the actual catch. The idea here is that in many fisheries the daily, weekly, or monthly catch (for example, anchovies, squids) is very large so by setting the multiplier to "bill", "mill", or "thou", the model is working with catches in the orders of tens at most. If the multiplier is set to "ind" then the catch is modeled at the level of the actual catch by time step. This option is useful for sport fisheries, in combination with the poisson or negbin option for distribution.
The season.dates parameter will allow counting the number of steps in integer sequential fashion. If the "time.step" parameter is "day" or "week" the dates may jump one year at most, whereas if the time.step parameter is "month" then season.dates may jump over many years. When the time step is week or months, this parameter needs not be precisely specified; any day within the right week or month will suffice. If you get an error message saying that the number of time steps is not right and that you should consider changing season.dates, then just change the dates a few days until you no longer get the error message.
The catch spike statistic is a fleet-specific statistic that is useful to identify the timing of perturbations to depletion; it is defined as
where X is the observed catch at time step t by fleet f, and E is the observed effort. When this statistic is positive and high then the time step at which this happened is a candidate for a perturbation. In transit fisheries the complementary reasoning is valid: when the statistic is negative and low then the time step at which this happened is a candidate for the timing of one emmigration event.
A list of length 2.
Properties |
The units for time step, catch, body weight, and the catch numbers multiplier; the names of the fleets and the units of effort, and the start date and end date of the fishing season |
Data |
One dataframe for each fleet with the time step, effort, catch in biomass, mean body weight, catch in the numbers multiplier, and the catch spike statistic |
The objects created with as.CatDynData will pass the raw data to plotting and estimating functions.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
Roa-Ureta, R. H. 2012. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69(8), 1403-1415.
Roa-Ureta, R. H. et al. 2015. Fisheries Research 171 (Special Issue), 59-67.
Roa-Ureta, R. H. 2015. Fisheries Research 171 (Special Issue), 68-77.
lgahi <- as.CatDynData(x=lolgahi, step="day", fleet.name="Fk", coleff=2, colcat=1, colmbw=3, unitseff="nboats", unitscat="kg", unitsmbw="kg", nmult="bill", season.dates=c(as.Date("1990-01-31"), as.Date("1990-05-30")))
lgahi <- as.CatDynData(x=lolgahi, step="day", fleet.name="Fk", coleff=2, colcat=1, colmbw=3, unitseff="nboats", unitscat="kg", unitsmbw="kg", nmult="bill", season.dates=c(as.Date("1990-01-31"), as.Date("1990-05-30")))
To be used by CatDynPred() to create model results.
catdyn(x, ...)
catdyn(x, ...)
x |
A list object coming from the optimization wrapper CatDynFit(). |
... |
Not used. |
A class attribute.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
#See examples for CatDynFit().
#See examples for CatDynFit().
Using results of a model fit by CatDynFit, calculate annual biomass considering initial abundance, mean weight, abundance inputs, fishery removals, and natural mortality, and then computes its standard error using the delta method.
CatDynBSD(x, method, multi, mbw.sd)
CatDynBSD(x, method, multi, mbw.sd)
x |
One object of class catdyn when the time step is the month (multi-annual version) or a list of objects of class catdyn when the time step is the week or the day (intra-annual versions). The number of years when the time step is the month or the number of separate catdyn objects when the time step is the week or the day must be 15 or higher. |
method |
Character or character vector. The numerical method used to fit the model when the time step is the month or a character vector with all the methods used to fit the several models when the time step is the week or the day. |
multi |
Logical. Wheter there is a single multi-annual model (monthly time step), or many intra-annual models (daily or weekly time step) |
mbw.sd |
Numeric. A vector of length 12 with the standard deviation or standard error of the mean weight in kg per month when the time step is the month, or a data.frame with three columns when the time step is the week or the day: year, mean weight in kg, and standard deviation or standard error of mean weight in kg. In the latter case the number of rows must equal the number of years (>14), also the length of the list x. |
The main purpose of this function is to obtain annual biomass estimates to be passed as input information for the fit of a population dynamics of the surplus production kind in a hierarchical inference framework. Thus is carries over most of the uncertainty in the original catch, effort and mean weight data, to inform the population dynamics model. The limit of 15 years of data as a minimum for the use of this function is set so that the fit of the population dynamics model has sufficient information to estimate its parameters.
When the time step is the month, this function will calculate the biomass and its standard error for every month in the time series of data. When the time step is the week or the day it will calculate the biomass and its standard error at the start of the season, only one value per year.
When the time step is the month, a data.frame with columns for year, month, time step, mean weight (kg), standard deviation or standard error of mean weight, abundance, standard error of abundance, biomass (tons), and standard error of biomass (tons). The data.frame has as many rows as time steps (minimum of 180 months)
When the time step is the week or the day, a data.frame with the year, mean weight (kg), standard deviation or standard error of mean weight, abundance, standard error of abundance, biomass (tons), and standard error of biomass (tons). The data.frame has as many rows as years (minimum of 15 years).
This function makes extensive use of the delta method for carrying over the original uncertainty. It uses the asymptotic standard errors of parameters in the object of class catdyn and their correlation matrix, along with standard deviation or standard error of mean weight per time step, to calculate the standard error of biomass.
In case a model output (object of class catdyn) is selected which has not produced standard errors for all parameters that are involved in the calculation of biomass (natural mortality, initial abundance, and magnitude of each input/output pulses of abundance) then the missing standard errors are replaced by imputed standard errors computed as the estimate for which the standard error is missing times the mean coefficient of variation across all parameters which did get standard errors. In this manner the degree of statistical uncertainty is preserved and all standard errors are available to use the delta method to calculate the standard error of biomass.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
Roa-Ureta, R. H. et al. 2015. Fisheries Research 171 (Special Issue), 59-67.
It extracts the correlation matrices output by CatDynFit() from several model fits and plots histograms of pairwise correlation coefficients.
CatDynCor(x, ttl, method, arr)
CatDynCor(x, ttl, method, arr)
x |
A list of model objects of class catdyn output by CatDynFit(). |
ttl |
A character vector to use as title of each histogram. |
method |
A character vector of numerical methods to extract correlation matrices. |
arr |
A numerical vector of length 2 used to organize the panels containing each histogram. Passed as is to par(). |
The arguments x, ttl, and method must be of the same length.
It might be useful to examine the results of different numerical methods applied to the same model with this function. To do this just repeat the name of the object in x and specify the different numerical methods in method.
A multiple panel correlation plot.
Those histograms that show more correlations concentrated around zero indicate a better fit.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
#See examples for CatDynFit().
#See examples for CatDynFit().
To be used by plot.CatDynData() to examine raw data and CatDynFit() to fit models.
CatDynData(x, ...)
CatDynData(x, ...)
x |
A list object coming from as.CatDynData(). |
... |
Not used. |
A class attribute.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
#See example for as.CatDynData().
#See example for as.CatDynData().
Using a CatDynData object and initial parameter values, create predictions of model results to examine the goodness of initial parameter values before passing them to the numerical optimizer.
catdynexp(x, p, par, dates, distr, partial=TRUE)
catdynexp(x, p, par, dates, distr, partial=TRUE)
x |
An object of class CatDynData. |
p |
Integer. The process model type, which quantifies the number of perturbations to depletion. In one-fleet cases p is a scalar integer that can take any value between -25 and 25. In two-fleet cases p is a two-components integer vector that quantifies the number of perturbation events of each fleet. It can take values c(0,0), c(0,1), ..., c(0,5), c(1,1), ..., c(1,5), ..., c(4,5), c(5,5), c(6,6), ..., c(25,25). In fisheries with emigration, where in addition to perturbations due to positive pulses of abundance, there are perturbation due to negative pulses of exodus, p should be negative and will take any integer value between -1 and -25, this number fixing both the number of input and exit pulses. |
par |
Numeric. Vector of initial parameter values in the log scale. |
dates |
Integer. Vector with the time steps of start of season, perturbations (if any), and end of season. In fisheries with emigration, in addition to the timing of entry of perturbations, the timing of exit for each perturbation shall also be provided, right after the time of entry. For example, p=c(1,4,50,10,60,61) would specify a two-perturbations model which starts at time step 1, has the first input perturbation at time step 4, first exit perturbation at time step 50, second input perturbation at time 10, second exit perturbation at time step 60, and season finishing at time step 61. |
distr |
Character, either "poisson", "negbin", "normal", "apnormal", "lognormal", "aplnormal", "gamma", "roblognormal", "gumbel", or any pair of these seven (2-fleets systems), corresponding to the likelihood model. |
partial |
Logical, if the model incluyes emigration (p between -1 and -25) partial = TRUE (the default) means that an unknown part of the abundance emigrate at some time step within the season, causing a negative pulse of abundance. Alternatively, partial = FALSE is used for transit stock models where the whole pulse of input yet surviving exits the fishing grounds. |
The "negbin" value for the distr parameter corresponds to the negative binomial distribution for counts, as an alternative to the poisson for cases where the assumption of the mean equal to the variance is untenable.
The difference between "normal" and "apnormal", "lognormal" and "aplnormal" is that in the former the dispersion parameters is included in the likelihood function and it is a free parameter to be estimated along with the parameters of the generalized depletion model (and therefore an initial value for the dispersion must be provided) whereas in the latter the dispersion is eliminated by using the adjusted profile likelihood approximation. Setting distr="roblognormal" will use a robustified version of the lognormal which includes the dispersion parameter. For the "negbin", "gamma" and "gumbel" distributions the dispersion parameter is always estimated along with the model parameters. In two-fleets models any pair of the nine available likelihood models can be specified.
In models with emigration, the logical parameter partial should be TRUE (the default) when the magnitude of the exit pulse is an unknown parameter that needs to be estimated. This could be the case of females exiting the fishing grounds to spawn, for instance. On the other hand partial should be FALSE in transit stock fisheries, and in this case the magnitude of the exit pulse need not be estimated, since all survivors leave. Thus setting partial to TRUE and p negative estimates more parameters than non-emigration and transit stock models.
At this point there is no allowance for models with emigration that include a different number of entry and exit pulses. Transit stock fisheries (partial=FALSE) must have the same number of entry and exit pulses but other emigration models (partial=TRUE) need not be restricted. Next versions of the function will include options for different number of entry and exit pulses.
A list of length 2.
Properties |
A list of length 3. Units is a dataframe with the units of time step, catch, body weight, and the numbers multiplier. Fleets is a dataframe with the fleets names and the units of nominal effort for each fleet. Dates is a dataframe with start and end dates of the fishing season in the ISO 8601 format |
Model |
A list of length 5. Type is the perturbation type of model. Dates is the timing of perturbations, Distr is the chosen likelihood model, Parameters is the parameter values being explored, and Results, is a dataframe with the time step, and for each fleet, observed effort, observed catch in numbers, predicted catch in numbers, observed catch in weight, predicted catch in weight, deviance, likelihood, deviance residuals, predicted population abundance, predicted population biomass, observed exploitation rate, predicted exploitation rate, observed fishing mortality, and predicted fishing mortality. |
The plot.CatDynData() function, acting on objects of class CatDynData, provides a plot of a statistic called the catch spike statistic, that can be useful to determine the p and dates arguments.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
#See examples for CatDynFit().
#See examples for CatDynFit().
To be used by plot.CatDynExp() to explore initial parameter values before fitting models.
CatDynExp(x, ...)
CatDynExp(x, ...)
x |
A list object coming from internal functions. |
... |
Not used. |
A class attribute.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
#See examples for CatDynFit().
#See examples for CatDynFit().
A wrapper and post-processing tool that checks that the data are passed with proper characteristics, calls optimx() (from package optimx) on any of dozens of possible versions of the generalized depletion models (as internal functions), and then it post-processes optimx() results and join all results in a list of lists.
CatDynFit(x, p, par, dates, distr, method, control = list(), hessian = TRUE, itnmax, partial = TRUE)
CatDynFit(x, p, par, dates, distr, method, control = list(), hessian = TRUE, itnmax, partial = TRUE)
x |
A data object of class CatDynData. See as.CatDynData(). |
p |
Integer. The process model type, which quantifies the number of perturbations to depletion. In one-fleet cases p is a scalar integer that can take any value between -25 and 25. In two-fleet cases p is a two-components integer vector that quantifies the number of perturbation events of each fleet. It can take values c(0,0), c(0,1), ..., c(0,5), c(1,1), ..., c(1,5), ..., c(4,5), c(5,5), c(6,6), ..., c(25,25). In fisheries with emigration, where in addition to perturbations due to positive pulses of abundance, there are perturbation due to negative pulses of exodus, p should be negative and will take any integer value between -1 and -25, this number fixing both the number of input and exit pulses. |
par |
Numeric. Vector of initial parameter values in the log scale. |
dates |
Integer. Vector with the time steps of start of season, perturbations (if any), and end of season. In fisheries with emigration, in addition to the timing of entry of perturbations, the timing of exit for each perturbation shall also be provided, right after the time of entry. For example, p=c(1,4,50,10,60,61) would specify a two-perturbations model which starts at time step 1, has the first input perturbation at time step 4, first exit perturbation at time step 50, second input perturbation at time 10, second exit perturbation at time step 60, and season finishing at time step 61. |
distr |
Character, either "poisson", "negbin", "normal", "apnormal", "lognormal", "aplnormal", "gamma", "roblognormal", "gumbel", or any pair of these seven (2-fleets systems), corresponding to the likelihood model. |
method |
Character. Any method accepted by optimx() can be used, but some may return warnings or errors. |
control |
A list of control arguments to be passed to optimx(). |
hessian |
Logical. Defaults to TRUE. If set to FALSE all numerical methods tried will fail. |
itnmax |
Numeric. Maximum number of iterations, to pass to optimx(). |
partial |
Logical, if the model incluyes emigration (p between -1 and -25) partial = TRUE (the default) means that an unknown part of the abundance emigrate at some time step within the season, causing a negative pulse of abundance. Alternatively, partial = FALSE is used for transit stock models where the whole pulse of input yet surviving exits the fishing grounds. |
Much care should be taken in selecting good initial values to pass in the par argument. To accomplish this CatDyn includes the CatDynExp class, and the catdynexp() and the plot.CatDynExp() functions to graphically fine tune the initial values for all model parameters. In multi-annual applications and monthly time step this might be time consuming but it should be carried out to increase the chance that the optimizers will converge to reasonable parameter space.
Initial parameter values must be passed log-transformed by the user. CatDynFit() will backtransform the maximum likelihood estimates and its numerical Hessian matrix without user intervention using the delta method.
Generally, when p is 5 or lower (one fleet) or c(5,5) (two fleets) or lower, the model is applied to one annual season of data and the time step is "day" or "week". Conversely, when p is 6 (one fleet) or c(6,6) (two fleets) or higher the model is applied to multiannual series and the time step is the month, although it is conceivable that for a higly perturbed fishing system higher p values would be applied to single season cases.
The models set up for fisheries with emigration are single fleet only, so when p is negative, taking any value in the admissible range, its length must be 1.
The discrete Poisson distribution option is recommended for fisheries where the catch is counted in number of fish instead of weight.
The "negbin" value for the distr parameter corresponds to the negative binomial distribution for counts, as an alternative to "poisson" for cases where the assumption of the mean equal to the variance is untenable.
The difference between "normal" and "apnormal", "lognormal" and "aplnormal" is that in the former the dispersion parameters is included in the likelihood function and it is a free parameter to be estimated along with the parameters of the generalized depletion model (and therefore an initial value for the dispersion has to be provided) whereas in the latter the dispersion is eliminated by using the adjusted profile likelihood approximation. Setting distr="roblognormal" will use a robustified version of the lognormal which includes the dispersion parameter. For the "negbin", "gamma" and "gumbel" distributions the dispersion parameter is always estimated along with the model parameters. In two-fleets models any pair of the nine available likelihood models can be specified.
In models with emigration, the logical parameter partial should be TRUE (the default) when the magnitude of the exit pulse is an unknown parameter that needs to be estimated. This could be the case of females exiting the fishing grounds to spawn, for instance. On the other hand partial should be FALSE in transit stock fisheries, and in this case the magnitude of the exit pulse need not be estimated, since all survivors leave. Thus setting partial to TRUE and p negative estimates more parameters than non-emigration and transit stock models.
At this point there is no allowance for models with emigration that include a different number of entry and exit pulses. Transit stock fisheries (partial=FALSE) must have the same number of entry and exit pulses but other emigration models (partial=TRUE) need not be restricted. Next versions of the function will include options for different number of entry and exit pulses.
A list of length 3.
Data |
A list of length 2. Properties is a list of length 3. Units is a dataframe with the units of time step, catch, body weight, and the numbers multiplier. Fleets is a dataframe with the fleets names and the units of nominal effort for each fleet. Dates is a dataframe with the start and end dates of the season in the ISO 8601 format. Data is a list of length equal to the number of fleets (1 or 2). Each component is a dataframe with the raw data, time step, observed effort, observed catch, observed mean body weight, observed catch in numbers, and the catch spike statistic. |
Initial |
A dataframe with named initial values of all free parameters in the model. |
Model |
A list with length equal to the number of numerical methods. Each component has the perturbation type model, the dates of events, the chosen distribution for the observation of catch, the integer code describing the success or not of covergence returned by the method, the Karush Kuhn Tucker conditions, hopefully TRUE and TRUE, the value of the Akaike Information Criterion, not comparable between different distributions, the back-transformed (from log) maximum likelihood estimates, the numerical gradients at each maximum likelihood estimate, the standard errors of backtransformed (from log) maximum likelihood estimates, and the correlation matrix of the back-transformed (from log) maximum likelihood estimates. |
Complex models may take several hours to converge on a PC. As an example, a two fleet model with 18 perturbations each fleet, p=c(18,18), and the aplnormal likelihood model, totalling 44 parameters to estimate from 216 monthly time steps, coverged successfully in 16 hours on a Windows 7, 64 bit, 3 GHz processor, 8 GB RAM.
Some effort has been made to avoid being kicked out of numerical optimization by just one numerical method that fails, so that optimization continues with other methods, but there may remain some cases when the whole optimization process is aborted by failure in just one method. Try taking out some suspicious methods and optimize again. Experience shows that methods spg and CG are robust for this kind of model so both should be considered as the baseline case for numerical optimization. When using the option of modeling transit fisheries with the Poisson distribution it has been observed that methods bobyqa and newuoa also perform well, so keep an open mind and take advantage of optimx by trying several numerical methods.
In resident stock models without emigration partial must be left at its default value in order not to have any effect.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
Roa-Ureta, R. H. 2012. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69(8), 1403-1415.
Roa-Ureta, R. H. et al. 2015. Fisheries Research 171 (Special Issue), 59-67.
Roa-Ureta, R. H. 2015. Fisheries Research 171 (Special Issue), 68-77.
Lin, Y-J. et al. 2017. Fisheries Research 195, 130-140.
#NOTE: These examples are run with very few maximum number of iterations for the #optimization methods passed to the CatDynFit function. Real applications should #run many more, setting the itnmax parameter in the order of thousands for models #with dozens of free parameters to estimate. # #Falkland Islands one-fleet squid fishery in 1990. #Create the data object lgahi <- as.CatDynData(x=lolgahi, step="day", fleet.name="Fk", coleff=2, colcat=1, colmbw=3, unitseff="nboats", unitscat="kg", unitsmbw="kg", nmult="bill", season.dates=c(as.Date("1990-01-31"),as.Date("1990-05-30"))) #Not run #plot(lgahi,mark=TRUE,offset=c(NA,NA,.75),hem="S") # #1) Fit a 1-fleet 1P model with lognormal observation error and the adjusted #profile approximation to the likelihood to eliminate the dispersion parameter M <- 0.011 #1/Time step N0.ini <- 3.8 #billions P1.ini <- 1.3 #billions k.ini <- 5.0e-05 #1/n of boats alpha.ini <- 1.7 #adimensional beta.ini <- 0.6 #adimensional pars.ini <- log(c(M, N0.ini, P1.ini, k.ini, alpha.ini, beta.ini)) #Dates P1 <- 70 #Selected by visual inspection of standard plot dates <- c(head(lgahi$Data$Fk$time.step,1), P1, tail(lgahi$Data$Fk$time.step,1)) lgahi.apln.1P.ini <- catdynexp(x=lgahi, p=1, par=pars.ini, dates=dates, distr="aplnormal") plot(x=lgahi.apln.1P.ini, leg.pos="topright", Biom.tstep=7, Cat.tstep=120, Biom.xpos=0.4, Biom.ypos=0, Cat.xpos=0.4, Cat.ypos=0.1) #fit lgahi.apln.1P.fit <- CatDynFit(x=lgahi, p=1, par=pars.ini, dates=dates, distr="aplnormal", method="spg", itnmax=10) #examine results lgahi.apln.1P.pred.spg <- CatDynPred(lgahi.apln.1P.fit,"spg") plot(x=lgahi.apln.1P.pred.spg, leg.pos="topright", Biom.tstep=7, Cat.tstep=120, Biom.xpos=0.18, Biom.ypos=0.1, Cat.xpos=0.18, Cat.ypos=0.2) # #2) Fit a 1-fleet 2P model with lognormal observation error and full exact #likelihood including the dispersion parameter M <- 0.011 #1/Time step N0.ini <- 3.8 #billions P1.ini <- 1.3 #billions P2.ini <- 0.5 #billions k.ini <- 4.0e-05 #1/n of boats alpha.ini <- 1.7 #adimensional beta.ini <- 0.6 #adimensional #Note how to get reasonable initial value for dispersion parameter psi.ini <- 0.33*sd(log(lgahi$Data$Fk$obscat.bill))^2 pars.ini <- log(c(M, N0.ini, P1.ini, P2.ini, k.ini, alpha.ini, beta.ini, psi.ini)) #Dates P1 <- 70 #Selected by visual inspection of standard plot P2 <- 135 #Selected by visual inspection of standard plot dates <- c(head(lgahi$Data$Fk$time.step,1), P1, P2, tail(lgahi$Data$Fk$time.step,1)) lgahi.ln.2P.ini <- catdynexp(x=lgahi, p=2, par=pars.ini, dates=dates, distr="lognormal") plot(x=lgahi.ln.2P.ini, leg.pos="topright", Biom.tstep=7, Cat.tstep=120, Biom.xpos=0.4, Biom.ypos=0, Cat.xpos=0.18, Cat.ypos=0.2) #fit lognormal lgahi.ln.2P.fit <- CatDynFit(x=lgahi, p=2, par=pars.ini, dates=dates, distr="lognormal", method="spg", itnmax=10) #examine results lgahi.ln.2P.pred.spg <- CatDynPred(lgahi.ln.2P.fit,"spg") plot(x=lgahi.ln.2P.pred.spg, leg.pos="topright", Biom.tstep=7, Cat.tstep=120, Biom.xpos=0.18, Biom.ypos=0.1, Cat.xpos=0.18, Cat.ypos=0.2) # #Summary table for model selection lgahi.sum <- CatDynSum(x=list(lgahi.apln.1P.fit, lgahi.ln.2P.fit), season=1990, method=c("spg","spg")) #Plot for correlations among parameter estimates CatDynCor(x=list(lgahi.apln.1P.fit, lgahi.ln.2P.fit), ttl=c("Adjusted Profile Lognormal 1P","Lognormal 2P"), method=c("spg","spg"), arr=c(2,1)) #Create neat table with optimization results CatDynPar(x=lgahi.ln.2P.fit,method="spg") #
#NOTE: These examples are run with very few maximum number of iterations for the #optimization methods passed to the CatDynFit function. Real applications should #run many more, setting the itnmax parameter in the order of thousands for models #with dozens of free parameters to estimate. # #Falkland Islands one-fleet squid fishery in 1990. #Create the data object lgahi <- as.CatDynData(x=lolgahi, step="day", fleet.name="Fk", coleff=2, colcat=1, colmbw=3, unitseff="nboats", unitscat="kg", unitsmbw="kg", nmult="bill", season.dates=c(as.Date("1990-01-31"),as.Date("1990-05-30"))) #Not run #plot(lgahi,mark=TRUE,offset=c(NA,NA,.75),hem="S") # #1) Fit a 1-fleet 1P model with lognormal observation error and the adjusted #profile approximation to the likelihood to eliminate the dispersion parameter M <- 0.011 #1/Time step N0.ini <- 3.8 #billions P1.ini <- 1.3 #billions k.ini <- 5.0e-05 #1/n of boats alpha.ini <- 1.7 #adimensional beta.ini <- 0.6 #adimensional pars.ini <- log(c(M, N0.ini, P1.ini, k.ini, alpha.ini, beta.ini)) #Dates P1 <- 70 #Selected by visual inspection of standard plot dates <- c(head(lgahi$Data$Fk$time.step,1), P1, tail(lgahi$Data$Fk$time.step,1)) lgahi.apln.1P.ini <- catdynexp(x=lgahi, p=1, par=pars.ini, dates=dates, distr="aplnormal") plot(x=lgahi.apln.1P.ini, leg.pos="topright", Biom.tstep=7, Cat.tstep=120, Biom.xpos=0.4, Biom.ypos=0, Cat.xpos=0.4, Cat.ypos=0.1) #fit lgahi.apln.1P.fit <- CatDynFit(x=lgahi, p=1, par=pars.ini, dates=dates, distr="aplnormal", method="spg", itnmax=10) #examine results lgahi.apln.1P.pred.spg <- CatDynPred(lgahi.apln.1P.fit,"spg") plot(x=lgahi.apln.1P.pred.spg, leg.pos="topright", Biom.tstep=7, Cat.tstep=120, Biom.xpos=0.18, Biom.ypos=0.1, Cat.xpos=0.18, Cat.ypos=0.2) # #2) Fit a 1-fleet 2P model with lognormal observation error and full exact #likelihood including the dispersion parameter M <- 0.011 #1/Time step N0.ini <- 3.8 #billions P1.ini <- 1.3 #billions P2.ini <- 0.5 #billions k.ini <- 4.0e-05 #1/n of boats alpha.ini <- 1.7 #adimensional beta.ini <- 0.6 #adimensional #Note how to get reasonable initial value for dispersion parameter psi.ini <- 0.33*sd(log(lgahi$Data$Fk$obscat.bill))^2 pars.ini <- log(c(M, N0.ini, P1.ini, P2.ini, k.ini, alpha.ini, beta.ini, psi.ini)) #Dates P1 <- 70 #Selected by visual inspection of standard plot P2 <- 135 #Selected by visual inspection of standard plot dates <- c(head(lgahi$Data$Fk$time.step,1), P1, P2, tail(lgahi$Data$Fk$time.step,1)) lgahi.ln.2P.ini <- catdynexp(x=lgahi, p=2, par=pars.ini, dates=dates, distr="lognormal") plot(x=lgahi.ln.2P.ini, leg.pos="topright", Biom.tstep=7, Cat.tstep=120, Biom.xpos=0.4, Biom.ypos=0, Cat.xpos=0.18, Cat.ypos=0.2) #fit lognormal lgahi.ln.2P.fit <- CatDynFit(x=lgahi, p=2, par=pars.ini, dates=dates, distr="lognormal", method="spg", itnmax=10) #examine results lgahi.ln.2P.pred.spg <- CatDynPred(lgahi.ln.2P.fit,"spg") plot(x=lgahi.ln.2P.pred.spg, leg.pos="topright", Biom.tstep=7, Cat.tstep=120, Biom.xpos=0.18, Biom.ypos=0.1, Cat.xpos=0.18, Cat.ypos=0.2) # #Summary table for model selection lgahi.sum <- CatDynSum(x=list(lgahi.apln.1P.fit, lgahi.ln.2P.fit), season=1990, method=c("spg","spg")) #Plot for correlations among parameter estimates CatDynCor(x=list(lgahi.apln.1P.fit, lgahi.ln.2P.fit), ttl=c("Adjusted Profile Lognormal 1P","Lognormal 2P"), method=c("spg","spg"), arr=c(2,1)) #Create neat table with optimization results CatDynPar(x=lgahi.ln.2P.fit,method="spg") #
To be used by plot.CatDynMod() to graphically examine model results.
CatDynMod(x, ...)
CatDynMod(x, ...)
x |
A list object coming from CatDyn(). |
... |
Not used. |
A class attribute
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
#See examples for CatDynFit().
#See examples for CatDynFit().
It takes parameter estimates from output by CatDynFit() from a single model fit and creates a neat table of estimates, dates in ISO 8601 format for each abundance input/output, and coefficient of variation of estimates.
CatDynPar(x, method, partial = TRUE)
CatDynPar(x, method, partial = TRUE)
x |
A single model object of class catdyn output by CatDynFit(). |
method |
The numerical method used to minimize the loglikelihod of x. |
partial |
Logical, FALSE for transit models, TRUE (the default) for all other model versions. |
Arguments x and method must both be of length = 1.
A data.frame with the following columns: parameter names (all estimated parameters, including the dispersion parameter for likelihood options other than Poisson, adjusted profile normal, and adjusted profile lognormal), timing (the data in ISO 8601 format of each input/output event), the maximum likelihood estimates, and the percent coefficient of variation. In two fleet models the last three columns are duplicated, with the fleet name added to the column names.
In model fits with a monthly time step, the timing column includes year and month. In model fits with a weekly time step, the timing includes the full date with initial and final date of that week.
In model fits with a daily time step, the timing includes the full data.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
#See examples for CatDynFit().
#See examples for CatDynFit().
Calculates the predicted catch, residuals, by fleet, population biomass, exploitation rate, fishing mortality, of a fish stock using parameters estimated for a Catch Dynamic Model.
CatDynPred(x, method, partial = TRUE)
CatDynPred(x, method, partial = TRUE)
x |
An object of class catdyn from function CatDynFit(). |
method |
Character. The particular numerical method from which estimates have to be drawn. |
partial |
Logical, FALSE for transit models, TRUE (the default) for all other model versions. |
This function is very similar to catdynexp() but instead of using arbitrary parameter values given by the user, it takes the maximum likelihood estimates produced by the call to the optimizer by function CatDynFit().
A list of length 2.
Properties |
A list of length 3. Units is a dataframe with the units of time step, catch, body weight, and the numbers multiplier. Fleets is a dataframe with the fleets names and the units of nominal effort for each fleet. Dates is a dataframe with start and end dates of the fishing season in the ISO 8601 format. |
Model |
A list of length 5. Type is the perturbation type of model. Dates is the timing of perturbations, Distr is the chosen likelihood model, Parameters is the parameter values being explored, and Results, is a dataframe with the time step, and for each fleet, observed effort, observed catch in numbers, predicted catch in numbers, observed catch in weight, predicted catch in weight, deviance, likelihood, deviance residuals, predicted population abundance, predicted population biomass, observed exploitation rate, predicted exploitation rate, observed fishing mortality, and predicted fishing mortality. |
In resident stock models without emigration partial must be left at its default value in order not to have any effect.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
Roa-Ureta, R. H. 2012. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69(8), 1403-1415.
Roa-Ureta, R. H. et al. 2015. Fisheries Research 171 (Special Issue), 59-67.
Roa-Ureta, R. H. 2015. Fisheries Research 171 (Special Issue), 68-77.
Lin, Y-J. et al. 2017. Fisheries Research 195, 130-140.
#See examples for CatDynFit().
#See examples for CatDynFit().
Summarize information theoretic, numerical and statistical results of several models fit to the data to select a best working model.
CatDynSum(x, season, method, partial=TRUE)
CatDynSum(x, season, method, partial=TRUE)
x |
A list of model objects of class catdyn output by CatDynFit(). |
season |
Character, an identifier for the set of models. |
method |
A character vector of numerical methods to extract from each element of the x list. |
partial |
Logical, FALSE for transit models, TRUE (the default) for all other model versions. |
The arguments x and method must be of the same length.
It might be useful to examine the results of different numerical methods applied to the same model with this function. To do this just repeat the name of the object in x and specify the different numerical methods in method.
A data.frame with an extraction of comparative information from several models fitted to the data.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
#See examples for CatDynFit().
#See examples for CatDynFit().
Function to convert a correlation matrix to a covariance matrix.
cor2cov(cor.mat, sd, discrepancy = 1e-05)
cor2cov(cor.mat, sd, discrepancy = 1e-05)
cor.mat |
The correlation matrix to be converted. |
sd |
A vector that contains the standard deviations of the variables in the correlation matrix. |
discrepancy |
A neighborhood of 1, such that numbers on the main diagonal of the correlation matrix will be considered as equal to 1 if they fall in this neighborhood |
This function was copied from package MBESS.
The correlation matrix to convert can be either symmetric or triangular. The covariance matrix returned is always a symmetric matrix.
The correlation matrix input should be a square matrix, and the length of sd should be equal to the number of variables in the correlation matrix (i.e., the number of rows/columns). Sometimes the correlation matrix input may not have exactly 1s on the main diagonal, due to, eg, rounding; discrepancy specifies the allowable discrepancy so that the function still considers the input as a correlation matrix and can proceed (but the function does not change the numbers on the main diagonal).
Ken Kelley (University of Notre Dame; [email protected]), Keke Lai
The delta method for approximating the standard error of a transformation g(X) of a random variable X = (x1, x2, ...), given estimates of the mean and covariance matrix of X.
deltamethod(g, mean, cov, ses = TRUE)
deltamethod(g, mean, cov, ses = TRUE)
g |
A formula representing the transformation. The variables must be labelled x1, x2, ... For example, ~ 1 / (x1 + x2). If the transformation returns a vector, then a list of formulae representing (g1, g2, ...) can be provided, for example list( ~ x1 + x2, ~ x1 / (x1 + x2) ). |
mean |
The estimated mean of X. |
cov |
The estimated covariance matrix of X. |
ses |
If TRUE, then the standard errors of g1(X), g2(X), ... are returned. Otherwise the covariance matrix of g(X) is returned. |
This function was copied from package msm.
It is used in CatDyn to backtransform from the logarithm because CatDyn parameters are all estimated in the log scale to improve numerical performance.
For more details see the help pages for function deltamethod of package msm.
A vector containing the standard errors of g1(X), g2(X), ... or a matrix containing the covariance of g(X).
C. H. Jackson <[email protected]>
#See the examples in package msm.
#See the examples in package msm.
Exhaustive recorded operational activity of the Merluccius gayi two fleet fishery off Central Chile in 2006.
A data frame with 53 observations on the following 7 variables.
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
Under-Secretariat of Fishing, Chilean government.
A small sample from hundreds of thousand of records of length by month from individual fish captured by artisanal fishing boats.
A data frame with 600 observations on the following 2 variables.
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
Under-Secretariat of Fishing, Chilean government.
A small sample from hundreds of thousand of records of length and weight of individual fish captured by artisanal fishing boats.
A data frame with 250 observations on the following 2 variables.
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
Under-Secretariat of Fishing, Chilean government.
Exhaustive recorded operational activity of the Loligo gahi fleet off the Falkland Islands during the summer season of 1990.
A data frame with 120 observations on the following 6 variables.
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
Department of Fisheries, Falklands Islands government.
Roa-Ureta, R. H. 2012. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69(8):1403-1415.
A database of natural mortality estimates and longetvity in fish, cetaceans and molluscs compiled by Prof. John M. Hoenig.
A data frame with 123 observations on the following 2 variables.
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
Mortality rates in 1/yr and longevity in yr.
Hoening, J.M. 2005. Empirical use of longevity data to estimate mortality rates. SEDAR33-RD17. SEDAR, North Charleston, SC. 8 pp.
Using the empirical regression parameters obtained by Prof. John M. Hoenig and the longevity provided with max.age, estimate the natural mortality rate and its standard error from application of the delta method.
M.Hoenig(max.age, time.step)
M.Hoenig(max.age, time.step)
max.age |
Numeric, longevity in years. |
time.step |
Character, either day, week, or month, the desired unit of the estimate. |
This function can be used to obtain a good initial value for natural mortality rate to be input in the exploratory or statistical feet of a catch dynamics model, at the time step in which the model will be run.
A length 2 numeric vector with estimated natural mortality and its standard error.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
Hoening, J.M. 2005. Empirical use of longevity data to estimate mortality rates. SEDAR33-RD17. SEDAR, North Charleston, SC. 8 pp.
max.age <- 5.8 time.step <- "day" M.Hoenig(max.age,time.step)
max.age <- 5.8 time.step <- "day" M.Hoenig(max.age,time.step)
Using a data.frame with paired observations of length and weight of individuals, and a second data.frame with paired observations of length and month of individuals, predict the mean weight per month in kg and its standard error.
mobw.kg(par, lenw, lenm, method, span)
mobw.kg(par, lenw, lenm, method, span)
par |
Numeric vector length 2 with the initial values for parameters of the length-weight relationship. |
lenw |
Numeric data.frame with paired observations of length and weight (kg). |
lenm |
Numeric data.frame with paired observations of length and month in numeric format. |
method |
Character, the numerical method to fit the length-weight relationship. Use one of the following: BFGS,CG,Nelder-Mead,SANN. |
span |
The span parameter of the loess function to fit the length-month relationship. |
The length data in lenw and lenm must be in the same units.
A data.frame with five columns: month, predicted mean weight from the length data and the length-weight relationship, its standard error, smoothed mean length from the loess fit of the length-month relationship, and its standard error.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
data(gayhakelm) data(gayhakelw) par <- c(4e-4,2.9) method <- "SANN" span <- 1 chihake.mobw <- mobw.kg(par=par, lenw=gayhakelw, lenm=gayhakelm, method=method, span=span)
data(gayhakelm) data(gayhakelw) par <- c(4e-4,2.9) method <- "SANN" span <- 1 chihake.mobw <- mobw.kg(par=par, lenw=gayhakelw, lenm=gayhakelm, method=method, span=span)
Allows examining the relation between catch and effort, the marginal distributions of catch and effort, and the time series of catch, effort, the catch spike statistic, and mean body weight in the catch.
## S3 method for class 'CatDynData' plot(x, mark, offset, hem, ...)
## S3 method for class 'CatDynData' plot(x, mark, offset, hem, ...)
x |
An object of class CatDynData. |
mark |
Logical. If TRUE then the time step is posted on top of each point of the time series of catch, effort, and the catch spike statistic. |
offset |
Numeric. A vector of length 3 that positions the mark above a given distance over the point. |
hem |
Character. Either N (northern hemisphere) or S (southern hemisphere). |
... |
Further arguments to be passed to plot(), hist(). |
Use NA to cancel the mark over the points of any of the three time series that can be marked. In the case of two-fleet models, the plot will display the data for the first fleet, then the user needs to hit Enter to display the data for the second fleet.
A seven panel plot.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
#See examples for CatDynFit().
#See examples for CatDynFit().
Evaluate and refine the goodness of initial parameter values before fitting catch dynamic models to data.
## S3 method for class 'CatDynExp' plot(x, leg.pos, Biom.tstep, Cat.tstep, Biom.xpos, Biom.ypos, Cat.xpos, Cat.ypos, diagnostics.panels = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'CatDynExp' plot(x, leg.pos, Biom.tstep, Cat.tstep, Biom.xpos, Biom.ypos, Cat.xpos, Cat.ypos, diagnostics.panels = TRUE, ...)
x |
An object of class CatDynExp |
leg.pos |
The position of the legend in the first panel. Passed to legend(). |
Biom.tstep |
Integer. The number of time steps over which to average the population biomass counting from the end of the season backwards. |
Cat.tstep |
Integer. The number of time steps over which to add the catch counting from the end of the season backwards. |
Biom.xpos |
Numeric. The position of the biomass value on the x-axis of the first panel of the plot in relative units. |
Biom.ypos |
Numeric. The position of the biomass value on the y-axis of the first panel of the plot in relative units. |
Cat.xpos |
Numeric. The position of the catch value on the x-axis of the first panel of the plot in relative units. |
Cat.ypos |
Numeric. The position of the catch value on the y-axis of the first panel of the plot in relative units. |
diagnostics.panels |
Logical. Whether to plot deviance residual diagnostic panels (default to TRUE) or just the data and model prediction (diagnostics.panels = FALSE). |
... |
Further arguments to pass to plot(), hist(). |
If the average population biomass over the whole season is to be posted then an integer equal to the number of time steps in the season shall be entered for the Biom.tstep argument.
A four panel plot of data, model predictions, and residual analysis.
The target symbols on the bottom of the tope left panel are the timings of any perturbations set by the user. In transit stock fisheries and resident stock fisheries with emigration, entry target symbols are in red and exit target symbols are in blue.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
Roa-Ureta, R. H. 2012. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69(8):1403-1415.
#See examples for CatDynFit().
#See examples for CatDynFit().
After model fit and prediction, examine model results on a graphical display.
## S3 method for class 'CatDynMod' plot(x, leg.pos, Biom.tstep, Cat.tstep, Biom.xpos, Biom.ypos, Cat.xpos, Cat.ypos, diagnostics.panels = 2, top.lab = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'CatDynMod' plot(x, leg.pos, Biom.tstep, Cat.tstep, Biom.xpos, Biom.ypos, Cat.xpos, Cat.ypos, diagnostics.panels = 2, top.lab = TRUE, ...)
x |
An object of class CatDynMod. |
leg.pos |
The position of the legend in the top left panel. Passed to legend(). |
Biom.tstep |
Integer. The number of time steps over which to average the population biomass counting from the end of the season backwards. |
Cat.tstep |
Integer. The number of time steps over which to add the catch counting from the end of the season backwards. |
Biom.xpos |
Numeric. The position of the biomass estimate on the x-axis of the first panel of the plot in relative units. |
Biom.ypos |
Numeric. The position of the biomass estimate on the y-axis of the first panel of the plot in relative units. |
Cat.xpos |
Numeric. The position of the catch value on the x-axis of the first panel of the plot in relative units. |
Cat.ypos |
Numeric. The position of the catch value on the y-axis of the first panel of the plot in relative units. |
diagnostics.panels |
Integer. Whether to plot just one panel with the data and model prediction (diagnostics.panels = 0), or add three more panels for diagnostics based on deviance residual of the same size as the data-prediction panel (diagnostics.panels = 1), or to make the deviance residual panels smaller (diagnostics.panels = 2, the default). |
top.lab |
Logical. Whether to put a top label describing choices of model type, likelihood, and numerical method. Defaults to TRUE. |
... |
Further arguments to pass to plot(), hist(). |
If the average population biomass over the whole season is to be posted then an integer equal to the number of time steps in the season shall be entered for the Biom.tstep argument.
A four panel plot of data, model predictions, and residual analysis.
The target symbols on the bottom of the tope left panel are the timings of any perturbations set by the user.
In transit fisheries, entry target symbols are in red and exit target symbols are in blue.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9620-5224)
Roa-Ureta, R. H. 2012. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69(8):1403-1415.
#See examples for CatDynFit().
#See examples for CatDynFit().
Exhaustive recorded operational activity of the Anguilla japonica sport fishery in Taiwan during the 1983-1984 season.
A data frame with 110 observations on the following 4 variables.
a Date
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
Dpt. of Zoology, National Taiwan University
Lin, Y-J. et al. 2017. Fisheries Research 195, 130-140