Title: | Life History Models of Individuals |
Description: | Likelihood-based estimation of individual growth and sexual maturity models for organisms, usually fish and invertebrates. It includes methods for data organization, plotting standard exploratory and analytical plots, predictions. |
Authors: | Ruben H. Roa-Ureta |
Maintainer: | Ruben H. Roa-Ureta <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.0-1 |
Built: | 2025-02-25 03:45:47 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/LifeHist |
Likelihood-based estimation of individual growth and sexual maturity models for organisms, usually fish and invertebrates. It includes methods for data organization, plotting standard exploratory and analytical plots, predictions.
Package: | LifeHist |
Type: | Package |
Title: | Life History Models of Individuals |
LazyLoad: | yes |
LazyData: | yes |
Version: | 1.0-1 |
Date: | 2015-08-31 |
Author: | Ruben H. Roa-Ureta |
Maintainer: | Ruben H. Roa-Ureta <[email protected]> |
Depends: | R (>= 3.0.0), Hmisc |
Imports: | optimx (>= 2013.8.6), BB |
Description: | Likelihood-based estimation of individual growth and sexual maturity models for organisms, usually fish and invertebrates. It includes methods for data organization, plotting standard exploratory and analytical plots, predictions. |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
NeedsCompilation: | no |
Packaged: | 2015-09-03 07:27:28 UTC; Rubin |
Date/Publication: | 2015-09-03 12:20:03 |
Config/pak/sysreqs: | cmake make libicu-dev |
Repository: | https://ruben-hernan.r-universe.dev |
RemoteUrl: | https://github.com/cran/LifeHist |
RemoteRef: | HEAD |
RemoteSha: | 01c5f5f5114d6a168371f26555ebe61ae943cbd9 |
Index of help topics:
BlackAngler.agematdat Black Anglerfish Age, Sex, Month, Maturity Stage Data BlackAngler.lenmatdat Black Anglerfish Length, Sex, Month, Maturity Stage Data BlackAngler.wgtmatdat Black Anglerfish Body Weight, Sex, Month, Maturity Stage Data GroAgeData Class Attribute of LifeHist Data Object GroAgeExp Class Attribute of LifeHist Exploratory Model Object GroAgeFit Fit Growth Model with Age and Length Data by Maximum Likelihood GroAgeMod Class Attribute of LifeHist Fitted Model Object LifeHist-package Life History Models of Individuals MatCount Build Databases for Sexual Maturity Modeling by Logistic Regression MatData Class Attribute of LifeHist Data Object MatFit Wrapper Function to Estimate a 2- or 3-Parameters Logistic Regression of Sexual Maturity as.GroAgeData Create a Data Object to Fit Individual Growth Models with Age-Length Observations deltamethod First-order Taylor Series Expansion of Functions of Random Variables groageexp Exploratory Growth Modeling with Age and Length Data groagemod Predictions from an Object of Class GroAgeMod ksbream King Soldier Bream Individual Biological Data plot.GroAgeData Exploratory Analysis of Agen and Length Individual Data plot.GroAgeExp Exploratory Modeling of Individual Growth with Age and Length Data plot.GroAgeMod Examination of Results from Fitting Growth Models plot.MatData Exploratory Analisys of a Logistic Model on a Graphical Display
Create data objects for maturity and growth modeling with MatCount() and as.GroAgeData(), respectively. Fit sexual maturity models with MatFit() for two types of models and any numerical method accepted by optimx() from package optimx. Explore raw growth data with generic function plot() applied on an object of class 'GroAgeData' created by as.GroAgeData(). Create predictions with initial parameter values for growth models using groageexp() and examine how good these initial values are with generic function plot() applied on an object of class 'GroAgeExp' created by groageexp(). Fit any of four type of models with any of five likelihood models and any numerical method accpted by optimx() from package optimx, using GroAgeFit(). Graphically examines results with generic function plot() applied on an object of class 'GroAgeMod' created by GroAgeFit().
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta
Maintainer: Ruben H. Roa-Ureta <[email protected]>
R. Roa, B. Ernst, F. Tapia. 1999. Estimation of size at sexual maturity: evaluation of analytical and resampling procedures. Fishery Bulletin (US) 97:570-580.
Arkhipkin, A., Roa-Ureta, R. 2005. Identification of growth models for squids. Marine and Freshwater Research 56:371-386.
Roa-Ureta, R. 2010. A Likelihood-based Model of Fish Growth with Multiple Length Frequency Data. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 15:416-429.
#See examples for functions MatFit() and GroAgeFit()
#See examples for functions MatFit() and GroAgeFit()
From a data.frame identify columns with data on length and age from a single sex category, two sexes, or two sexes plus unsexed individuals, and optionally include date, body weight, liver weight, and gonad weight, to create a data object with a class attribute.
as.GroAgeData(x, sex, maleskey = NULL, femaleskey = NULL, colsex = NULL, colage, collen, colbw = NULL, colliver = NULL, colgonad = NULL, coldate = NULL, lentype, unitsage, unitslen, unitsbw = NULL, unitsliver = NULL, unitsgonad = NULL, spec)
as.GroAgeData(x, sex, maleskey = NULL, femaleskey = NULL, colsex = NULL, colage, collen, colbw = NULL, colliver = NULL, colgonad = NULL, coldate = NULL, lentype, unitsage, unitslen, unitsbw = NULL, unitsliver = NULL, unitsgonad = NULL, spec)
x |
Data.frame containing the data, where each line is an individual. |
sex |
Character, either "Females", "Males", "Pooled", "Both", or "Total". |
maleskey |
Usually a numeric key indicating whether the individual is male. |
femaleskey |
Usually a numeric key indicating whether the individual is female. |
colsex |
Integer. The column in 'x' with the sex key. |
colage |
Integer. The column in 'x' with the age data. |
collen |
Integer. The column in 'x' with the length data. |
colbw |
Integer. Optionally, the column in 'x' with the body weight data. |
colliver |
Integer. Optionally, the column in 'x' with the liver weight data. |
colgonad |
Integer. Optionally, the column in 'x' with the gonad weight data. |
coldate |
Integer. Optionally, the column in 'x' with the collection date data. |
lentype |
Character. In the case of fish, this indicates whether the length is total, fork, or standard. |
unitsage |
Character. The units of age. |
unitslen |
Character. The units of length. |
unitsbw |
Character. Optionally, the units of body weight. |
unitsliver |
Character. Optionally, the units of liver weight. |
unitsgonad |
Character. Optionally, the units of gonad weight. |
spec |
Character. A species identification key. |
When 'sex' is "Females" or "Males", the data.frame 'x' contains data for a single sex. When 'sex' is "Pooled" the sex has not been determined and both sexes might be mixed. When 'sex' is "Both" all individuals have been sexed. Finally, when 'sex' is 'Total' some individuals have been sexed but some have been not so there is a third sex category which implicitly corresponds to unsexed individuals. For instance this could happen with very young individuals for which their sex could not be determined.
A list with class attribute 'GroAgeData' with the following components:
Properties |
A data.frame with properties of the data, such as the species key, the type of sex, units of age, units of length, and the other optional properties |
Sex 1 |
A data.frame with an individual key, the age, the length, and optionally other individual data |
Sex 2 |
Optionally, the same as the previous component but for the other sex |
Sex 3 |
Optionally, the same as the previous components but for the unsexed individuals |
NAs are allowed in all data column and later ignored in the modeling functions.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta
data(ksbream) KSBream.AgeLen <- as.GroAgeData(x=ksbream, sex="Total", maleskey=1, femaleskey=2, coldate=1, colsex=9, colage=11, collen=2, colbw=5, colliver=7, colgonad=8, lentype="Total", unitsage="Years", unitslen="mm", unitsbw="g", unitsliver="g", unitsgonad="g", spec="KSBream") plot(KSBream.AgeLen)
data(ksbream) KSBream.AgeLen <- as.GroAgeData(x=ksbream, sex="Total", maleskey=1, femaleskey=2, coldate=1, colsex=9, colage=11, collen=2, colbw=5, colliver=7, colgonad=8, lentype="Total", unitsage="Years", unitslen="mm", unitsbw="g", unitsliver="g", unitsgonad="g", spec="KSBream") plot(KSBream.AgeLen)
Black anglerfish individual-based data from the Bay of Bizcay sampled from the catch of an industrial fishing fleet.
A data frame with 711 observations on the following 4 variables.
Integer, age in years
Integer, 1 for males and 2 for females
Integer, the month of capture
Integer, stages of maturity encompassing a gradual advance from juvenile to sexually matur individual
Age has been fixed by biologists examining rings in otoliths. Maturity stages have been fixed by biologists using macroscopic aspect of the fish gonads.
Black anglerfish individual-based data from the Bay of Bizcay sampled from the catch of an industrial fishing fleet.
A data frame with 1367 observations on the following 4 variables.
Numeric, total fish length in cm
Integer, 1 for males and 2 for females
Integer, the month of capture
Integer, stages of maturity encompassing a gradual advance from juvenile to sexually matur individual
Maturity stages have been fixed by biologists using macroscopic aspect of the fish gonads.
Black anglerfish individual-based data from the Bay of Bizcay sampled from the catch of an industrial fishing fleet.
A data frame with 479 observations on the following 4 variables.
Numeric, fish body weight length in g
Integer, 1 for males and 2 for females
Integer, the month of capture
Integer, stages of maturity encompassing a gradual advance from juvenile to sexually matur individual
Maturity stages have been fixed by biologists using macroscopic aspect of the fish gonads.
The delta method for approximating the standard error of a transformation g(X) of a random variable X = (x1, x2, ...), given estimates of the mean and covariance matrix of X.
deltamethod(g, mean, cov, ses = TRUE)
deltamethod(g, mean, cov, ses = TRUE)
g |
A formula representing the transformation. The variables must be labelled x1, x2, ... For example, ~ 1 / (x1 + x2). If the transformation returns a vector, then a list of formulae representing (g1, g2, ...) can be provided, for example list( ~ x1 + x2, ~ x1 / (x1 + x2) ). |
mean |
The estimated mean of X. |
cov |
The estimated covariance matrix of X. |
ses |
If TRUE, then the standard errors of g1(X), g2(X), ... are returned. Otherwise the covariance matrix of g(X) is returned. |
This function was copied from package msm. It is used in CatDyn to backtransform from the logarithm because CatDyn parameters are all estimated in the log scale to improve numerical performance. For more details see the help pages for function deltamethod of package msm.
A vector containing the standard errors of g1(X), g2(X), ... or a matrix containing the covariance of g(X).
C. H. Jackson <[email protected]>
#See the examples in package msm.
#See the examples in package msm.
To be used by plot.GroAgeData() to examine raw length, age data before modeling.
GroAgeData(x, ...)
GroAgeData(x, ...)
x |
A list object coming from as.GroAgeData(). |
... |
Not used. |
A class attribute
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta
#See example for as.GroAgeData().
#See example for as.GroAgeData().
For a data object of class 'GroAgeData' examine the goodness of initial guessed values of model parameters by making predictions and calculating residuals.
groageexp(x, m, unsex.action = NULL, par, distr)
groageexp(x, m, unsex.action = NULL, par, distr)
x |
An object of class 'GroAgeData'. |
m |
Character, the specific growth model to be examined, either 'vonBer' (von Bertalanffy), 'schnute1', 'schnute2', or 'schnute3' |
unsex.action |
Character, optionally, when there are unsexed individual, what to do with these, either 'split' (random assignment of half to males and half to females), 'males' (complete assignment to males), 'females' (complete assignment to females), or 'ignore'. |
par |
Numeric, the logarithm of the vector of initial parameter values. |
distr |
Character, the distribution of the data, either 'apnormal' (adjusted profile approximation to the normal likelihood), 'aplnormal' adjusted profile approximation to the lognormal likelihood), 'normal', 'lognormal', or 'gamma'. |
When the distribution of the data is 'normal', 'lognormal', or 'gamma', an additional dispersion parameter has to be provided along with the growth model parameters, and placed at the end of the parameter vector.
A list with class attribute 'GroAgeExp' with the following components:
Properties |
Properties of the data, passed from 'x' |
Data |
A data.frame with age, observed length, predicted length, and 'deviance' residuals |
Data |
Optionally, the same as previous component but for the other sex |
Model types 'schnute1', 'schnute2', 'schnute3' have 5, 3, and 2 parameters respectively. 'schnute1' is described in Arkhipkin and Roa-Ureta (2005) whereas 'schnute2' and 'schnute3' are described in Roa-Ureta (2010).
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta
Arkhipkin, A., Roa-Ureta, R. 2005. Identification of growth models for squids. Marine and Freshwater Research 56:371-386.
Roa-Ureta, R. 2010. A likelihood-based model of fish growth with multiple length frequency data. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 15:416-429
#Schnute - Normal data(ksbream) KSBream.AgeLen <- as.GroAgeData(x=ksbream, sex="Total", maleskey=1, femaleskey=2, coldate=1, colsex=9, colage=11, collen=2, colbw=5, colliver=7, colgonad=8, lentype="Total", unitsage="Years", unitslen="mm", unitsbw="g", unitsliver="g", unitsgonad="g", spec="KSBream") #par ini l1.f <- 175 a1.f <- 1 mu.f <- 250 g1.f <- 0.15 g2.f <- 0.1 l1.m <- 175 a1.m <- 1 mu.m <- 210 g1.m <- 0.25 g2.m <- 0.1 psi.f <- 0.5 psi.m <- 0.45 par.ini <- log(c(l1.f,a1.f,mu.f,g1.f,g2.f,l1.m,a1.m,mu.m,g1.m,g2.m,psi.f,psi.m)) KSBream.AgeLen.exp <- groageexp(x=KSBream.AgeLen, unsex.action="split", m="schnute1", par=par.ini, distr="normal") plot(KSBream.AgeLen.exp)
#Schnute - Normal data(ksbream) KSBream.AgeLen <- as.GroAgeData(x=ksbream, sex="Total", maleskey=1, femaleskey=2, coldate=1, colsex=9, colage=11, collen=2, colbw=5, colliver=7, colgonad=8, lentype="Total", unitsage="Years", unitslen="mm", unitsbw="g", unitsliver="g", unitsgonad="g", spec="KSBream") #par ini l1.f <- 175 a1.f <- 1 mu.f <- 250 g1.f <- 0.15 g2.f <- 0.1 l1.m <- 175 a1.m <- 1 mu.m <- 210 g1.m <- 0.25 g2.m <- 0.1 psi.f <- 0.5 psi.m <- 0.45 par.ini <- log(c(l1.f,a1.f,mu.f,g1.f,g2.f,l1.m,a1.m,mu.m,g1.m,g2.m,psi.f,psi.m)) KSBream.AgeLen.exp <- groageexp(x=KSBream.AgeLen, unsex.action="split", m="schnute1", par=par.ini, distr="normal") plot(KSBream.AgeLen.exp)
To be used by plot.GroAgeExp() to examine the quality of initial parameter values before fitting a growth model.
GroAgeExp(x, ...)
GroAgeExp(x, ...)
x |
A list object coming from groageexp(). |
... |
Not used. |
A class attribute
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta
#See examples for plot.AgeGroExp()
#See examples for plot.AgeGroExp()
A wrapper and post-processing tool that calls optimx() (from package optimx) with any of four possible versions of the growth models and any of 5 possible versions of likelihood models (as internal functions), in addition to possible multiple numerical methods for optimization and then it post-processes optimx() results and join all results in a list of lists.
GroAgeFit(x, m, unsex.action = NULL, par, distr, method, control = list(), hessian = TRUE, itnmax)
GroAgeFit(x, m, unsex.action = NULL, par, distr, method, control = list(), hessian = TRUE, itnmax)
x |
An object of class GroAgeData. See as.GroAgeData. |
m |
Character, the specific growth model to be examined, either 'vonBer' (von Bertalanffy), 'schnute1', 'schnute2', or 'schnute3' |
unsex.action |
Character, optionally, when there are unsexed individual, what to do with these, either 'split' (random assignment of half to males and half to females), 'males' (complete assignment to males), 'females' (complete assignment to females), or 'ignore'. |
par |
Numeric, the logarithm of the vector of initial parameter values. |
distr |
Character, the distribution of the data, either 'apnormal' (adjusted profile approximation to the normal likelihood), 'aplnormal' adjusted profile approximation to the lognormal likelihood), 'normal', 'lognormal', or 'gamma'. |
method |
Character. Any method accepted by optimx() can be used, but some may return warnings or errors. |
control |
A list of control arguments to be passed to optimx(). |
hessian |
Logical. Defaults to TRUE. If set to FALSE all numerical methods tried will fail. |
itnmax |
Numeric. Maximum number of iterations, to pass to optimx(). |
When 'x' has been set with 'sex' equal to "Both" or "Total" then GroAgeFit will automatically fit separate models for females, males, and for both sexes pooled.
Care should be taken in selecting good initial values to pass in the par argument. To accomplish this LifeHist includes the GroAgeExp class, and the groageexp() and the plot.GroAgeExp() functions to graphically fine tune the initial values for model parameters.
Initial parameter values must be passed log-transformed by the user. GroAgeFit() will backtransform the maximum likelihood estimates and its numerical Hessian matrix without user intervention using the delta method.
The difference between "normal" and "apnormal", "lognormal" and "aplnormal" is that in the former the dispersion parameters is included in the likelihood function and it is a free parameter to be estimated along with the parameters of the generalized depletion model (and therefore an initial value for the dispersion has to be provided) whereas in the latter the dispersion is eliminated by using the adjusted profile likelihood approximation.
A list of length four with a class attribute 'groage'.
Data |
The original data and its properties |
Initial |
Initial parameter values in their original scale |
Methods |
The numerical methods passed to optimx() |
Model |
A list of length equal to one when 'sex' is 'Females', 'Males', or 'Pooled' or of length equal to three when 'sex' is 'Both' or 'Total'. Each component is a list of length equal to the number of numerical methods. The list for each numerical method is in turn a list with the type of growth model, the chosen distribution for the data, the integer code describing the success or not of covergence returned by the method, the Karush Kuhn Tucker conditions, hopefully TRUE and TRUE, the value of the Akaike Information Criterion, not comparable between different distributions, the back-transformed (from log) maximum likelihood estimates, the numerical gradients at each maximum likelihood estimate, the standard errors of backtransformed (from log) maximum likelihood estimates, and the correlation matrix of the back-transformed (from log) maximum likelihood estimates. |
Some effort has been made to avoid being kicked out of numerical optimization by just one numerical method that fails, so that optimization continues with other methods, but there may remain some cases when the whole optimization process is aborted by failure in just one method. Try taking out some suspicious methods and optimize again.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta
data(ksbream) KSBream.AgeLen <- as.GroAgeData(x=ksbream, sex="Total", maleskey=1, femaleskey=2, coldate=1, colsex=9, colage=11, collen=2, colbw=5, colliver=7, colgonad=8, lentype="Total", unitsage="Years", unitslen="mm", unitsbw="g", unitsliver="g", unitsgonad="g", spec="KSBream") l1.f <- 175 a1.f <- 1 mu.f <- 250 g1.f <- 0.15 g2.f <- 0.1 l1.m <- 175 a1.m <- 1 mu.m <- 210 g1.m <- 0.25 g2.m <- 0.1 psi.f <- 0.5 psi.m <- 0.45 par.ini <- log(c(l1.f,a1.f,mu.f,g1.f,g2.f,l1.m,a1.m,mu.m,g1.m,g2.m,psi.f,psi.m)) KSBream.AgeLen.fit.n <- GroAgeFit(x=KSBream.AgeLen, m="schnute1", unsex.action="split", par=par.ini, distr="normal", method=c("CG","spg", "Nelder-Mead"), itnmax=100) KSBream.AgeLen.pred.n.spg <- groagemod(x=KSBream.AgeLen.fit.n,method="spg") plot(KSBream.AgeLen.pred.n.spg)
data(ksbream) KSBream.AgeLen <- as.GroAgeData(x=ksbream, sex="Total", maleskey=1, femaleskey=2, coldate=1, colsex=9, colage=11, collen=2, colbw=5, colliver=7, colgonad=8, lentype="Total", unitsage="Years", unitslen="mm", unitsbw="g", unitsliver="g", unitsgonad="g", spec="KSBream") l1.f <- 175 a1.f <- 1 mu.f <- 250 g1.f <- 0.15 g2.f <- 0.1 l1.m <- 175 a1.m <- 1 mu.m <- 210 g1.m <- 0.25 g2.m <- 0.1 psi.f <- 0.5 psi.m <- 0.45 par.ini <- log(c(l1.f,a1.f,mu.f,g1.f,g2.f,l1.m,a1.m,mu.m,g1.m,g2.m,psi.f,psi.m)) KSBream.AgeLen.fit.n <- GroAgeFit(x=KSBream.AgeLen, m="schnute1", unsex.action="split", par=par.ini, distr="normal", method=c("CG","spg", "Nelder-Mead"), itnmax=100) KSBream.AgeLen.pred.n.spg <- groagemod(x=KSBream.AgeLen.fit.n,method="spg") plot(KSBream.AgeLen.pred.n.spg)
For a data object of class 'GroAgeMod' examine the results of model fit by making predictions and calculating residuals.
groagemod(x, method)
groagemod(x, method)
x |
An object of class 'GroAgeMod'. |
method |
Character, one of the numerical methods used to fit the model with GroAgeFit. |
If the sex is 'Both' or 'Total' predictions will be calculated for females, males and both sexes pooled, and if the numerical has failed to fit any of these three arrangements of the data then predictions will be calculated only for the successful fits.
A list of length 3.
Properties |
The properties of the data, information carried over from the creation of the data object with as.GroAgeData. |
Model |
The type of growth model, the distribution for the data, and the numerical method. |
Predictions |
A list of length one, two of three, with each component a data.frame with the age and length data, predicted lenght by the model, and the 'deviance' residuals. |
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta
#See examples in help pages of function GroAgeFit()
#See examples in help pages of function GroAgeFit()
To be used by plot.GroAgeMod() to examine results of fitting a growth model.
GroAgeMod(x, ...)
GroAgeMod(x, ...)
x |
A list object coming from GroAgeFit(). |
... |
Not used. |
A class attribute
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta
#See examples for plot.AgeGroMod()
#See examples for plot.AgeGroMod()
King soldier bream individual-based data from the Arabian Gulf sampled from the catch of two artisanal fishing fleets.
A data frame with 797 observations on the following 14 variables.
Date of capture
Total length in mm
Fork length in mm
Standard length in mm
Body weight in g
Eviscerated body weight in g
Liver weight in g
Gonad weight in g
1 for males, 2 for females
1 for mature, 0 for juvenile
Age in years
Macroscopic maturity stages
From a data.frame of one continuous predictor (length, age, etc), and keys for ordinal precictor sex, month, and maturity stage, this function will builds a list of variable ready to be used in a 2- or 3-parameter logistic model
MatCount(matdat, fem.key, mal.key, stage.key, season.key)
MatCount(matdat, fem.key, mal.key, stage.key, season.key)
matdat |
A data.frame where each row is an individual fish, and the columns are a continuous predictor, and ordinal keys for sex, month, and maturity stage |
fem.key |
Integer, the ordinal key identifying females |
mal.key |
Integer, the ordinal key identifying males |
stage.key |
Integer, the ordinal key identifying the last maturity stage of juveniles. This key will split the individual into immature (all having stage <= stage.key) and mature. |
season.key |
Integer vector with two components, the first and last month of the reproductive season |
The year is divided into two seasons, the reproductive season and the non-reproductive season
mal.nrep |
A data.frame with the continuous predictor duplicated and sorted, a binary for mature individuals, a binary for juveniles, and the count of males in the non reproductive season |
mal.rep |
A data.frame with the continuous predictor duplicated and sorted, a binary for mature individuals, a binary for juveniles, and the count of males in the reproductive season |
fem.nrep |
A data.frame with the continuous predictor duplicated and sorted, a binary for mature individuals, a binary for juveniles, and the count of females in the non reproductive season |
fem.rep |
A data.frame with the continuous predictor duplicated and sorted, a binary for mature individuals, a binary for juveniles, and the count of females in the reproductive season |
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta
R. Roa, B. Ernst, F. Tapia. 1999. Estimation of size at sexual maturity: evaluation of analytical and resampling procedures. Fishery Bulletin (US) 97:570-580.
data(BlackAngler.lenmatdat) MatCount(matdat=BlackAngler.lenmatdat, fem.key=2, mal.key=1, stage.key=2, season.key=c(5,7))
data(BlackAngler.lenmatdat) MatCount(matdat=BlackAngler.lenmatdat, fem.key=2, mal.key=1, stage.key=2, season.key=c(5,7))
To be used by plot.MatData() to examine data versus model predictions.
x |
An object of class MatData, generated by function MatCount(). |
This generic function will be used to give a class to the four components of the list output by function MatCount().
A class attribute.
Objects of class MatData are plotted for exploration of parameter values (initial or maximum likelihood) in 2- or 3-parameter logistic regression
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta
#See example in man pages for plot.MatData().
#See example in man pages for plot.MatData().
Define the logistic model, pass the initial parameter values, the data, and the numerical optimization method(s) to estimate the model and to organize results in a list.
MatFit(p, par, matdat, method, control = ls(), itnmax)
MatFit(p, par, matdat, method, control = ls(), itnmax)
p |
Integer, either 2 or 3, determining if the asymptotic proportion is assumed known at 1 or estimated. |
par |
Numeric vector of 2 or 3 components with initial paramater values. |
matdat |
A data.frame where each row is an individual fish, and the columnds are a continuous predictor, and ordinal keys for sex, month, and maturity stage. |
method |
Character or character vector, defining the list of numerical methods to use. See help pages for function optimx(). |
control |
List, optimization control parameters to be passed to optimx. See help for function optimx(). |
itnmax |
Integer, maximum number of iterations, to be passed to optimx(). |
The function controls the estimation process. From a valid value of p, it will define the proper process model, either 2-parameters or 3-parameters logistic regression. The 3-parameter model might be useful outside the reproductive season when not all adult individuals are ready to reproduce, whereas the 2-parameter model assumes that above certain value of the continuous predictor all individuals are reproducing.
The function will re-organize optimx()'s output by adding some items (AIC, standard errors, correlation matrix) and ignoring other items. The output is a list of results in a list of optimization methods.
model |
Type of model, matlik.2p or matlik.3p |
method |
Name of numerical optimization method |
converg |
Convergence message |
kkt |
The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions |
The Akaike Information Criterion |
pars |
Maximum likelihood estimates of model parameters |
num.grads |
Numerical gradients at the maximum likelihood estimates |
stdev |
Estimated standard deviations of maximum likelihood estimates of model parameters |
Cor |
The estimated correlation matrix of maximum likelihood estimates of model parameters |
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta
data(BlackAngler.lenmatdat) BA.matlen <- MatCount(matdat=BlackAngler.lenmatdat, fem.key=2, mal.key=1, stage.key=2, season.key=c(5,7)) plot(BA.matlen[[2]], pred.50=35, pred.95=55, pred.unit="Length (cm)", top.text="Males Rep Season", lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="") par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(4,4,1,1), oma=c(4,4,1,1)) plot(BA.matlen[[1]],pred.50=35,pred.95=55,pred.unit="Length (cm)", top.text="Males NoRep Season", lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="") plot(BA.matlen[[2]],pred.50=35,pred.95=55,pred.unit="Length (cm)", top.text="Males Rep Season", lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="") plot(BA.matlen[[3]],pred.50=85,pred.95=110,pred.unit="Length (cm)", top.text="Females NoRep Season", lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="") plot(BA.matlen[[4]],pred.50=55,pred.95=75,pred.unit="Length (cm)", top.text="Females Rep Season", lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="") require(optimx) BA.matlen.mal <- MatFit(p=2, par=c(35,55), matdat=BA.matlen[[2]], method=c("spg", "CG", "Nelder-Mead"), itnmax=100) # plot(BA.matlen[[2]], pred.50=BA.matlen.mal[[1]]$par.mle[1], pred.95=BA.matlen.mal[[1]]$par.mle[2], pred.unit="Length (cm)", top.text="Males Reproductive Season", lwd=2, xlab="Length (cm)", ylab="Proportion Mature")
data(BlackAngler.lenmatdat) BA.matlen <- MatCount(matdat=BlackAngler.lenmatdat, fem.key=2, mal.key=1, stage.key=2, season.key=c(5,7)) plot(BA.matlen[[2]], pred.50=35, pred.95=55, pred.unit="Length (cm)", top.text="Males Rep Season", lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="") par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(4,4,1,1), oma=c(4,4,1,1)) plot(BA.matlen[[1]],pred.50=35,pred.95=55,pred.unit="Length (cm)", top.text="Males NoRep Season", lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="") plot(BA.matlen[[2]],pred.50=35,pred.95=55,pred.unit="Length (cm)", top.text="Males Rep Season", lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="") plot(BA.matlen[[3]],pred.50=85,pred.95=110,pred.unit="Length (cm)", top.text="Females NoRep Season", lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="") plot(BA.matlen[[4]],pred.50=55,pred.95=75,pred.unit="Length (cm)", top.text="Females Rep Season", lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="") require(optimx) BA.matlen.mal <- MatFit(p=2, par=c(35,55), matdat=BA.matlen[[2]], method=c("spg", "CG", "Nelder-Mead"), itnmax=100) # plot(BA.matlen[[2]], pred.50=BA.matlen.mal[[1]]$par.mle[1], pred.95=BA.matlen.mal[[1]]$par.mle[2], pred.unit="Length (cm)", top.text="Males Reproductive Season", lwd=2, xlab="Length (cm)", ylab="Proportion Mature")
Allows examining the relation between age and length in order to estimate individual growth models, and optionally other individual processes such as the relation between length and body weight and the timing of organ growth along the annual season.
## S3 method for class 'GroAgeData' plot(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'GroAgeData' plot(x, ...)
x |
An object of class 'GroAgeData' produced by function as.GroAgeData(). |
... |
Not used. |
A multipanel plot.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta
#See examples in help pages for function as.GroAgeData()
#See examples in help pages for function as.GroAgeData()
Evaluate and refine the goodness of initial parameter values before fitting growth models to data.
## S3 method for class 'GroAgeExp' plot(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'GroAgeExp' plot(x, ...)
x |
An object of class 'GroAgeExp' created by function groageexp(). |
... |
Not used. |
A multipanel plot.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta
#See examples for function groageexp()
#See examples for function groageexp()
After model fit and prediction, examine model results on a graphical display.
## S3 method for class 'GroAgeMod' plot(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'GroAgeMod' plot(x, ...)
x |
An object of class 'GroAgeMod' created by function GroAgeFit(). |
... |
Not used. |
A multipanel plot.
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta
#See examples in help pages of function AgeGroFit()
#See examples in help pages of function AgeGroFit()
A one panel plot with data on proportion of sexual maturity and a line built with initial parameter values or with maximum likelihood estimates
## S3 method for class 'MatData' plot(x, pred.50, pred.95, top.text, ...)
## S3 method for class 'MatData' plot(x, pred.50, pred.95, top.text, ...)
x |
An object of class MatData. |
pred.50 |
Numeric, the predictor value at 0.5 proportion mature. |
pred.95 |
Numeric, the predictor value at 0.95 proportion mature. |
top.text |
Character, to be used as main for plot. |
... |
Pass additional parameters to plot(). |
A plot of data and model
Ruben H. Roa-Ureta
data(BlackAngler.lenmatdat) BA.matlen <- MatCount(matdat=BlackAngler.lenmatdat, fem.key=2, mal.key=1, stage.key=2, season.key=c(5,7)) plot(BA.matlen[[2]],pred.50=35,pred.95=55,top.text="Males Rep Season")
data(BlackAngler.lenmatdat) BA.matlen <- MatCount(matdat=BlackAngler.lenmatdat, fem.key=2, mal.key=1, stage.key=2, season.key=c(5,7)) plot(BA.matlen[[2]],pred.50=35,pred.95=55,top.text="Males Rep Season")